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Dory can be a great storyteller. (Sacrifice needed)

Telling a story is not that easy.

From character, scene, plot, and built-up to climax, everything has to be told enough. Not too many. Not too less.

Especially a story that forms an image in listeners' minds.

That's why yesterday I was shocked that Me and my friend can have some conversation from having the Justin Bieber concert canceled in Malaysia until the point that I'm a bitch.

Seriously now when I thought back on how the conversation flowed, I am amazed that I didn't record it or mentally jot down how to transition from one story to another story.

Even if it's not a well-thought-out story, and it's just some random chitchat and gossip, I wonder how this kind of "spin-here-spin-there skill" can really be put into my storytelling skill.

Fascinating, indeed...

So, according to m very limited memory, this is how it went down... maybe...

~ JB concert has been postponed/most-probably-canceled

~ My friend shared her free and first concert which brings out...

~ The singer of the concert was a Chinese bastard who cheated on her wife

~ Then, my friend asked me to watch a public apology video from whom ANOTHER HK singer had cheated too (which she claimed the whole "script" to be very funny, and I shamefully agree too...)

~ It leads to how we used to love to watch HK drama since young due to our Asian parents' influence...

~ That brings me to say my kid self love watching Disney Channel and Cartoon Network (Kim Possible, Powerpuff girls etc.)

~ Then, it brought me to talk about that horrible childhood trauma I had, when my sis watched the movie, Spirited Away, because of that black-caped ghost.

~ Which leads to sharing some of our favorite movies from the Japanese to Thailand, from British to American...

~ This is where the coming of how I am a bitch occurs...

~~ The Kissing Booth movie ~~

~ How I initially don't think that Elle is a bitch because of her behavior in the second movie series... 

Because I might reciprocate some of what she did?

Not about the part where she's kissing a very handsome and kind guy in front of her boyfriend...

I'm talking about how she is confused about her relationship, how a long-distance relationship is NOT great at all, and how lack of communication is the WORST enemy of every human's connections.

Okay, this takes more brain juice than I thought.

I think I will just be watching Finding Dory from now on...



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