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Random Shit: Leave off Void, Live on WOW


Today, 14/11/2020, when I’m literally writing this, I received 6 packages delivered to my doorstep – or rather gate step. 6 PACKAGES!!! TOTALLY SIX DELIVERYS CAME INTO MY HOME! Oh god! I have no idea how this 11.11 sales has got into my mom’s shopping carts that my front step is literally bombarded by the horns non-stop with my neighbors coming out to take a glance.

          This year the ecommerce market has definitely gone wild and crazy. The revenues for every platform like Lazada, Shopee, Taobao etc must be laughing some way that they earned a whole lot of money from this 11.11 festive alone.

          Okay. I got that we all have this lipstick effect or revengeful shopping spree going on now. Everyone who plans to go on vacations or holidays overseas is doomed to stay at their hometown since COVID19 messes our schedules up. So why not buy something to “compensate” myself for not being able to eat my Korean authentic kimchi or visit the Spring festival in Japan or watch my favorite sports live in Beijing?

          Buying something for ourselves or a gift for your loved ones is totally fine. But the intention behind it has to be thought through. Do you buy it because you want to really have it and use it or is it just some “jump-into-the-trend thing”?

          Shopping can be very therapeutic at first; but eventually it can be this addictive drug to get you catch on so that you are left with empty and void feeling inside your heart. People’s ego and crave of materials to fulfill the temporary lostness and meaningless in these days, are ruining us slowly without our conscious.

          There is this paradox of hedonism that our pleasures could be satisfied with more and more and more. More food, more money, more gifts, more discounts, more love, more sexes, more everything! We thought that having more option in our life could actually lead to more happiness.

          It’s fucking bullshit, man. In this time of days, you should have known better that our values, our knowledges, our morals and our personalities are so much important than some vain material that determine how you feel inside there. Don’t let the Internet fool you by those picture that shows off their money, those videos that shows off their latest sneakers, or those statements that just simply says: YOU ARE A LOSER IF YOU DON’T HAVE WHAT I HAVE!

          That’s just rather shallow and just punish yourself in a very unhealthy way.

          What everyone should have in their life is the ‘Wow’ moment. The ‘Wow’ is not meant when you Wowed when you get extra pocket money from your parents; neither the moment when you Wowed when you found out you got such a cheaper price buying online than in physical store. I’m saying those ‘Wow’ moments that you get when you achieve little small things in life.

Have some 'Weird-Out Woo' for ourselves

          I used to ‘Wow’ when I managed to hit the high tunes while singing in the shower.

          I used to ‘Wow’ when I managed to eat faster than my little sister.

          I used to ‘Wow’ when I saw the couples in the romantic novel finally got together after so much drama (I still Wow nowadays, haha)

          I used to ‘Wow’ when I managed to draw a ‘masterpiece’ of my friend’s portrait.

          I used to ‘Wow’ for a lot of stupid moments that I enjoy by myself. I think it is really time to get back to myself who used to appreciate little things happen onto me and not take things easily for granted.

          During this 11.11 sales, I bought something to reward myself. Before you go off to say I am such a hypocrite, hear me out. I bought a pair of sportswear for myself. Being such a “workoutholic” recently, getting that slim body and sexy ass is my dream and goal. But in the process of exercising, I found out something miracle happening.

          Yeah, it’s what you think, haha. I really enjoy my workout session now. I actually look forward my evening workout time right now. It’s sweaty and smelly for sure, but I really like spending my alone time with my body and trying all those impossible moves yet able to finally do it after few attempts. That small achievements mean the world for me. I know I sound like I am exaggerating but this is really how I feel when I finish my workout every single fucking time.

          I think I am going to start to remember this feeling more and try to apply them to the rest of my life. After all, this is my life that I want to enjoy. And it’s the REAL enjoyment and the satisfaction that tickles my heart little bit. That little bit means a hell lot to me :D

          Here comes a random shit I pull:

Boring is a bless. Routine is a bliss. Oxygen is a blast.

(I made that last one up so it sounds like it rhymes and the first letter of every sentence sounds like who I act like most of the time.)

          Okay bye. Time to have some ‘Wow’ moment indulging my mom’s cheesecake 😉


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