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Anything For You

What would you choose between these two options, if you have to choose ONE out of two?

Job vs Passion?

Money vs Experience?

Your own benefit or Your loved ones' benefit?

The scary part is not that you live your life by yourself. What's scary is that you cannot choose your life!
Today evening, I was having a conversation with my friend and it ended up not so well - at least that's what I felt, because basically we never ended a call with her saying "I don't have energy to talk with you.". She is the only friend whom I can talk to for hours and basically every time is her calling me, because she has an unlimited call plan. You know, how the economy goes nowadays and people, like me basically whats-app all the time only.

Okay, back to the conversation we had. The reason she said with that soulless tone was because we had a little bit of 'argument' - I would refer it as a 'discussion' though, since there's no voice raised up or f-word bombs. We were talking about how we wanted to go back our hometown from our university. We had disagreement about the drop-off location since we both are not living near, but not far too, just around 20 minutes drive away. Still, we need someone to pick us up, so this particular job drops to our parents' hands.

Honestly, we both are quite filial daughters. The reason that both of us argue quite awhile on the phone was for which location we should choose to be picked up by our parents, closer to me or closer to her.

That's one thing about me that you should know. When in an argument, I am 99.9% (that 0.01% is about my pride) sure that I would be the one giving in first. Undoubtedly. Until now, I still do not understand how a couple can bear with not talking to each other for years under the same roof. How can you let your loved ones walk away just because you are not willing to come forward and make the first approach.

Of course, if the issue that you guys argue is something unreasonable to you or against your held-up principles, then you definitely can just choose to walk out of that house, until the other one comes up and admits their wrongdoings.

But, that's not my case. That 'argument' we had shouldn't even exist in the first place. So, I think I will step down and find an alternative solution that can satisfy both of us. Though it means I have to be thick-faced and go ask for it.


Out of the topic, I had once asked my ex-colleague a quite bizarre question.
"If you have to choose between Job or Friend, what would you choose?"
Being a hard-loyal staff, you should not be surprised when her answer was the former.

I told her that I would choose the latter and she asked me why. I said if the reason someone left the job was because the boss' unfair treatment to him or the fact that he got fired off for no reason, that's no further excuse needed for me to not leave the company. Then, that colleague said the treatment in the organization was not the same to you as he was treated and probably I would have more benefits and compensations because there was one less competitor.

I replied: "What's the point for staying when the company has no fairness and equality?" Plus, what's fun it is without friends?

Album of the day: -
Song of the day: Where Is The Love? by Black Eyed Peas


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