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Do you get the right Google?


I have been following MarkManson’s articles for quite awhile that his post for every Monday is a downright inspirational wake-up call. Not the normal read-it-and-forget inspiration. It’s the kick-your-ass inspiration. You might think I am exaggerating but he can discuss something as simple as philosophy but comes out to be a remarkable discover that yet to be talked widely about even though the answer is obviously there. On. The. Table. 

          It lets me think about how people nowadays consume the same information, same news, yet could give out different opinions viewing the same issue.

          Let’s talk about the most current nerve-wrecking hot topic – COVID19. Could you imagine seeing how real this pandemic is, there are still people in this world not believing this is a REAL STUFF adversely affecting the entire populations. People are still going out and have fun without thinking the consequences by not practicing physical distancing and wearing protection. No matter how many fucking million times the government advocates to put on the god darn mask, people can be still seen goofing around in crowded places without giving a darn to this lethal pandemic virus. (Seriously la, if you want to god darn die, don’t drag other people to suffer because of you, duh. Definitely not saying you, the reader. If you are wise enough to read my blog, you are definitely not 100% also got 91.9% good-citizen quality in there for you 😉).

          Okay, back to the topic. So, awareness is so easy to raise but yet is it  that everyone will believe into the awareness and take action upon it? Highly doubting it, since you can see there are still police going around to catch the breaker of rules.


          Our education has been so far a "spoon-feeding system". It made us to stop questioning and use our critical-thinking brain. Living in a technology booming era, it does not make us more educated but more biased into our own ideology. Google lets everyone to have a chance to know everything; yet it lets us to have the chance to drive more deeply into our own thoughts and our beliefs.

Why would I say so? 

          Placebo effect vs Nocebo effect. Placebo effect defines: the beneficial effect by a drug/treatment is because of the patient’s belief in that treatment itself rather than the real effect of the drug. Otherwise, nocebo effect means: the treatment will be negative if the patient has a negative expectation of it, even though the drug actually is effective use. 

          Recognizing these effects positively or negatively shows us how important our mind works. Don’t underestimate what your brain can do or tell even in a split second. It tends to happen without your conscious aware of. When one truly believes what he/she holds true of, it is very super hard for people around to say anything to change them. I have tried before, and it never ends up well.

          What we all can do is by believing the facts. The evidences presented can be biased too, you would say. But you should know that this fact is presented by everyone finding out the data, statistics and evidences to prove it. Trust that fact. However, what you are going to do with that fact is all on your choice. Does that make you less knowledgeable or not? Or does it actually open up your mind a little bit and let you have more different side of logical and critical thoughts? Your Google is on your hand. Utilize it wise and right.


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