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Fake it really can make it when you are...


    Fake it really can make it when you are human being with perseverance, passion and pen to jot down what I am going to tell to inspire you. 😏

Okay, here's the point. If you really think I have some magic to help you fake your life through and through, then you must be first time knowing me - because of how BS a person I am.

    Fake it can definitely make it. But the problem is how long you are going to stay 'there' even you know your soul is not really 'there'. 

    Passion is not easy. Gary Vaynerchuk, Chairman of VaynerX/CEO of Vayner Media/5-times-Best-Selling-Author, once said: "Skill is cheap. Passion is priceless." If everyone CAN become doctor, this world wouldn't be having so many public demonstration about working more than 36 hours but paid with unreasonable low salary. If everyone WANTS to become stewardess, there would be 100% unemployment rate shot up during this pandemic era.

No excuse. Just result.

So if you are in my age, just say YES to every opportunity. Even though you are in your 30s, 40s, 50s, or even 60s, don't find excuses to yourself to not accepting something presented in front of you. Our own former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr Mahathir can do it. Why can't we all? We don't need to be at the top of the world to be called 'successful'. Do you own thing and you would be successful in YOUR OWN FREAKING EYES!

    Fake it till you make it. But no one tells you what happens afterwards. After you make it, do not just let it past. Recall what had happened. Ask yourself: Do you enjoy the process? Are you satisfied that you have been learning something even if it is not easy? Do you feel satisfied for the results?

All these questions summed up help you to carve your path ahead. Remember: What you value the most is not necessarily what other people value too. So, go for anything that can or cannot help you in present. You might be surprise how it might help for your future. 


from Two Steps From Heaven (幕后玩家)



"When you can make money and put down your ego/dignity it's called a sensible move; when you can use money to buy your dignity back, it's called a success; when you can use your face to make money, it means that you are already an ICON."


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