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Not everything is INSTANT Noodle

To me, patience was seriously my kryptonite. I had zero tolerance about waiting anything or anyone. I just had that indescribable rage coming out when someone was late for meetings or hangouts without telling the reason in advance. I was horrible at being patient back then. 

        But kids taught me otherwise. When I joined a club in university that required me to teach the secondary students about entrepreneurship, it was downright challenging my tolerance level and my patience-drawn-out-line. Kids were horrible in listening instruction. They were so uncontrollable that it drove me crazy and insane.

        When I was starting to lose it and decided to turn to my friends for help, I could see how different my friends approached them with care and gentle that I definitely lacked of. The students were able to understand my friends and had great connections with them. That was the point that I knew I got to do something. I was not here for myself but helping them.

        After a few attempts for me to slowly learn their behaviors and actions, it was not that hard after all. All I needed was patience and sincerity towards them. After all, they are all human beings and they could feel my humble and understanding approaches. Not losing hope and faith and keep trying are the key.

Have you heard about “temporal discounting” before? In economics, it means to discount the rewards as they approach a temporal horizon in the future or the past. In a layman term, it means you would rather receive the good in present than in the future. This is applicable for the money currency, stock values or the property purchases, as in the future it might get difficult to get the same value of those than it is right now.

        However, there are some other major parts of our lives that do not instantly reflect the results and we cannot have them unless we wait patiently. Patience is the way to live and the only one that makes people desperate and out of their right mind. We live in a very fast-paced and rapid technology world that sometimes we forgot not all the things comes out as quick as the instant noodle.

Taste nice but what is the long term effects???

        The outcome from the present is not always as great as the future. The short-term result is so tempting that most of the people get caught on but forgot that it could threaten the long-term results. As I mentioned in my previous post, habits are built so that we could reach our final goal. Constant steps are daunting as it requires hard work and non-wavering determination. Last of all, it requires the patience and long-waiting as nothing comes easy like a flick of a finger. No one is born straight out as amazing as Michelle Yeoh or as strong as Dato Lee Chong Wei. Every success comes with a price and that price is willingly to be waited out.


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