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You don't change,Lives change you

Changes might sound terrifying to you, especially when you are used to being in your own comfort zone. But, change is the only constant in life.

I just wanna be the best of me
Even though sometimes, we might disagree
So that I can be the best for you
That's all I wanna do

The current worldwide pandemic is the greatest example at this moment, if not the worst. We are forced to make some changes in our daily lifestyles to accustom to the situation we face right now. We are staying at home when we should be out there working or studying. We are staying at home when we should be enjoying the sunset after a long walk with our loved ones. We are staying at home because we need to be “there” to help our frontliners fighting against the virus.

Before this whole panic happened, I guess a lot of people were very comfortable in their current states. I do not mean that it was actually a bad thing. Being happy and content about your life is something I wouldn’t ask more for you. I am truly ecstatic if anyone would feel like that. You are GOOD!

However, choosing not to improve or make a greater change for your life is something I disagree upon. Hear me out first. For example, you have a great life where you have your partner, your kid and your parents underneath a sweet home with your uproaring, steady career. I am happy for you. You are thankful and always do your best to love the people around you and cherish them wholeheartedly. But, I will encourage you to do something else to “sparkle” your contented life. Not like I ask you to go fight a bull or jump from a cliff without any protection gears. I am sincerely asking you to try something, because life is full of unknowns. Probably increase the size of your company by indulging to other fields? Hire more talent that is out of your league? Learn personal branding? This is the way to deal with this evolving world. We have to keep changing so that we will evolve too. 

World is limitless. Knowledge is boundless. Change is inevitable. Growth is optional. You are going through changes, but it doesn’t mean YOU will change. Uphold your strength. Get rid of your weaknesses. Explore a new side of you. Kill off the bad-thi-ria!!!


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