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Introvert?Extrovert?Ambivert?Whatever you like laaa

Introvert or extrovert? This might be the question that you get asked a lot in some days. I used to answer confidently that I AM EXTROVERT! I am somewhat that crazy bitch, loving the attention people given to me and not embarrassed being the quirky among the gang.

But I don’t know why. If you ask me right now, I might say I actually am an Introvert. You must be wondering: Vivian, you must be fucking kidding me. If you are introvert, then no one in this world is a freaking human! I kid you not. I love to be active when there are people around me. We have fun. We have joy. We have shit. That’s like life. Just life.

It is probably during the COVID-19 period, I somehow become introvert after getting ‘locked’ inside the dormitory in my university. I think there must be A LOT of people out there, agreeing me. Everyone looking at his must be nodding their head and say, “YOU ARE GODDARN RIGHT, BRUH!”. But fret you not, that is okay.

Truth to say I think everyone has different side of them, yet to be discovered by yourself, let alone people around you. That is why we times by times are changing everyday even for a slight, little, mini, insignificant twist in your behavior, personality or mental being. It is a good sign.

You might first find it surprising (WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH ME), worried (about how people or yourself perceive it), rejecting (I ain’t like that; I am still the same old me), stressful (what am I going to do with it), accepting (whatever la. You can’t destroy me), and relaxing and reassured (actually, it is not bad woah).

"Why you call me like that la?
I just want some sweet..."

Good or Bad? Introvert or Extrovert? That really all depends on how you view stuff.  If you think you are an extrovert, then just fly like a butterfly and become that socializing queen/king everyone likes to hang around. If you are an introvert, nothing bad is going on since working from home is trending too, so you are definitely killing it with no shame. Proud of you!


Side Note: Now if anyone ask me, I would just say I am an ambivert, because choosing the middle ground is never wrong. HAHAHA. (I am still discovering too, so why not πŸ˜‰)


  1. Hahahahaha....
    What you say is really relatable to your life. I was like you in the beginning, but I would say, I shared a dual personality depending who am I talking to. I can be extrovert in meeting one person and introvert when meeting another after meeting the first one and ambivert if I don't feel like I would like to comment much in certain matters.

    Sometimes, being politically correct is also one important aspect on how we can maintain friendships in a long run.

    Besides, sometimes its better for us agree to disagree certain statements although we know that our colleagues statement might or might not be factual.

    Instead of publicly commenting back which will result miscommunication and backlash in a long run, I would rather tell them privately in their own social media account to rectify whatever they say. After all, humans aint perfect though.

    I would give your article a 85% and it would be great if you can add in a few stats and site a few articles from the America's Psychology Association and a few sociology and psychology research. It will make things more interesting.

    1. That's really concrete advice. Thank you for that and I will see what I can do. Have a nice days ahead. ☺


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