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New Injection of Life


Imagine sitting on the cold hard floor alone in living room. No furniture at all but a lonely table perking up in the middle of it. 

There is just emptiness and more emptiness growing inside you. No other sound except the whirring sound coming from your spinning ceiling fan.

            I am that person. I am left alone to discover this new, hectic urbanized life.

           Moving out from my hometown, I came to this new city of Kuala Lumpur with the hope of jumping into this pot of hustling and bustling people. As the capital of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur is indeed full of skyscrapers, luxury cars and well-dressed people in all-time. 

               I am still experiencing culture shock -- wearing just a pair of slippers and pajamas-like clothes to just eat the dinner downstairs from my condo. My Ipoh-KL friends are in awe that I dare to dress like that on the street which I don’t care a shit about. If I’m not going out to work, I can dress whatever I like!

Beginning of the Adult Life

Speaking of working, I come to KL to pursue my "career" because I love how convenient and easily accessible of the public transport that makes it no problem going to my workplace. Walking for 12 minutes to my working place, I find out this is how everyone in KL is living their lives. Everyone is rushing to somewhere at some point. There are always people in any hour at KL.

           This made me wonder and unconsciously compare it to my time in my university or hometown. Everything was slow and steady, especially at my hometown -- Ipoh. Ipoh people works hard but it seems like they always have time for themselves and show a more relaxing demeanour whenever talking to each other.

            Not even over 1 week here, KL just seems like everyone is keeping to themselves. There are big dreams and passionate ambitions here. Sometimes, I just feel like it is getting too much that they forget that life is more about just working and hustling. I think all workaholics are built here in KL. If one slows down, you will get kicked out. It’s like in the Hunger Games –the survival of the fittest.

            I guess, it will take me some time to let this high-driven blood slowly injecting into my old, slow-paced life.

The Injection of the World

The real injection is yet to come – COVID-19 vaccines. For those who haven’t registered, please go and do it! I don’t know why everyone is suspicious about everything when the solution is there. It’s like no solution also complain; tada, solution is here, still going to complain…

            Love it or not. There’s no denial that we have to get the vaccines so that those people who are unable to take vaccines (those defective immune system, children too young & elderly people) could be protected with the herd immunity threshold achieved.

            If you don’t know what herd immunity is, I don’t know what’s going on in your life. I might be reconsidering the relationship between me and you.

For my friends out there who is interning, let’s fighting together!

For everyone in this world, let’s continuing to support each other with hopes and loves! And please go register for vaccination 💉 program! 


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