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3 'Crazy' Ways to stay Healthy mentally & emotionally


Sitting on the train, keeping a 1.5m social distancing from other passengers, looking outside to see scenery views passing by rapidly, everything feels calm and quiet.

This is what I secretly like. Deep down.

        In my 20-year-plus life, I'm being labeled as an ‘extrovert’, ‘crazy bitch’, daredevil and annoying LOUD chick.

       Those bewildering moments have been locked into my deepest side of memories ever since I step my foot into adulthood. Those memories start to fade away and all it's left is some tiny bits of here and there. It was as if the time you thought you forgot to brush your teeth and you went to re-brush it for the second time within 2 hours. I don't even know whether I could trust my own memories or not!

But it doesn’t mean you can’t do those adrenaline-rushing things anymore. You have to create your own crazy version of healthy adult life now!

Let me tell you: when you start to like eating bitter gourd, it means you are officially an adult. I guess so, or is it just me? Let me know in the comment section down below!

Here I share my 3 ‘crazy’ ways of staying healthy mentally and emotionally -- look until the end for a bonus tip.

1. Talk to yourself (take the voice out!)

You might feel shy and disproportionately weird by talking to yourself in public or even in private area. It's like talking to an imaginary friend or some supernatural beings. 

        From my own experience, it’s not weird! It’s magically relaxing and chilling. By mumbling to yourself, studies have shown that it could boost your confidence and your problem-solving skills.

        Avoid having those thoughts inside your head! Speak it out (how loud it is depending on your craziness).

        By hearing your own voices, it will feel more real and push you to think further on your words rather than just keeping it inside your brain. Indirectly, it can help you to sort out your thoughts and practice the notion: think before you speak.

        When you practice enough, like me, you wouldn’t feel silly doing such move anymore. At least I don’t since the mandatory face mask worn in public area basically helps you to avoid the judgment and glaring.

2. Look around and stay away from gadgets

Be it inside or outside your house, you always have the choice to look around and really see the things/people around you. For real this time.

        Personally, I am not a person who likes to look at my phone when in transit. I always get dizzy from staring at the phone wherever in car, train, bus, or Grab car. So, I choose to look outside.

        Sometimes, you really could find out some interesting events unfolded in front of you if you just look up from your gadgets.

        One time, I was standing inside the train due to all seats taken. I just glanced around and happened to make an eye contact with a guy. Out of nowhere, he stood up and offered his seat to me.

        He insisted to offer his seat to me even after multiple times of my rejection since I didn’t mind standing. I even thought he needed the seat more than me.

        I don’t know whether it’s the barriers of languages or his altruism flourishing, he insisted to let out the seat and stood beside the door of the train. I, on the other hand, kept on standing and let out 'his' seat to my much-needed friend who just finished visiting her doctor.

        Of course, this story doesn’t show any wow-inspiring moral values or whatnot. But, by being observant, you will find out there are nicer people in this world than you think. You will feel much better and more hopeful about this world than how the world the media news only tend to show us, especially eye-catching and nerves-racking news. 

3. Let IT out!

This may sound crazy, but I like to verbally SHOUT out my dissatisfaction and disappointments when I feel stressed in anywhere, anytime.

        I seriously don’t like to hold in my feelings. You really will feel physically sick by doing it so. Researchers have proven it so!

        If you don’t want to look like a crazy bitch screaming at the top of your lungs outside your house, you can opt for milder methods: find your ‘niche’ aka your friends/families/therapists, or pets/plants/diaries/journals. Then talk freely and truthfully. Think hard, think deep. What’s that thing that keeps you not able to breathe? What is it that bothers your mind that it bothers your life too? What is your fear and concern?

Let it out and you will feel so much better mentally and emotionally.

        My personal pro tip is that I sing so darn LOUD in shower so that I could let off some steam.  Sometimes I really think whoever my neighbor is is so pitiful and has to suffer my random shouts and screams. 

        Personal advice is don’t do it at night. If not, please bear with the consequences by yourself. Don’t say I don’t warn you.

When I am doing all the things mentioned above, I will feel nervous and adrenaline rushing because who knows someone will pop out and accuse you for being a weirdo and want to drag you down to police station or psychiatric hospital. You never know.

Bonus point: All my 3 methods are best done when you are ALONE. Because by fully being with yourself with no acquaintances around, you would find there is no other distraction to divert you away from your problems. Stay away from people you know and flashing gadgets. Immerse yourself with you, yourself, and you.

They are all simple and small steps, but crucial to let your mind to feel calm and complete. Do it daily, weekly, or monthly. Eventually, the long-term effect will catch up on you and you will enjoy doing all these ‘crazy’ things to stay sane and healthy for your whole being.

        May all good things bestow onto the good Samaritans out there! Spread little kindness and it goes a long way into the receiver’s heart. Truly. I guarantee.


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