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Enjoy life like a KID; Suck it like an ADULT

Recently, I had been watching a Cantonese Hong Kong drama about the girl having multiple personality disorder, which means she has different characters playing out in her life without her knowledge and awareness. One second, the crazy one will come out and ruin her normal life; suddenly, another second one will be naively following some strangers into danger. The ‘main personality’ could not control her other ‘side personalities’ inside her body.

Childish or Mature? Left or Right? Positive or Negative? 

          It had me thinking a lot how I talked in my previous post how people could be perceived as an extrovert and introvert at the same time, even with the same person looking on the same characteristics. This could downright display the notion that in fact every single one of us has different way of dealing something, depending on the situation faced in front of us.

          In the drama, the ‘normal’ personality plays out what a mature adult does. She went to work from 9 to 5 and had a perfect boyfriend. She was, what people thought as, a successful independent Iron Lady.  

          Whereas, her 'another personality' is an angry, crazy bitch. She is always hot-headed and does things without ever thinking the consequences. She portrays as the reckless kid as doing whatever she wants at all costs.

          'Another side personality' is rather sad and depressed. She always lives in her own bubbles of isolation. She feels like every living things like pesticides and bugs have to be loved and cherished. She is viewed as over-sympathizing and hypersensitive, even a cockroach also be viewed as a loved pet and be appreciated under delicate care. (if you are like that, I am not going to judge but I will stay far away from you.)

          This drama seems like a little bit too unrealistic, but I bet every one of you has that some part of those personalities somehow lingering inside your soul and spirit. Anger riled up, sadness contained and faked being normal to go on your lives. 

And I want to tell you: That is fucking normal!

          Think about it: our human bodies consist of around 206 to 210 bones, depending on some counting of sternum (go google what that is), then we have left brain and right brain which functions differently and ironically working together in so many ways. Trillions of nerves are inside of our body to fight off bacteria and build up our immune system. 

So, what is wrong of having so many personalities inside one body? Embrace all of them!

Be an adult when face with challenges or difficulties; be a child when enjoy with celebrations/happiness. No need to worry for acting like an adult OR a child. 

Be both or be anyone that you like because you dictate your own life. Do not let some stupid stranger, naysayers or even your beloved families and friends stop you.

 People can become various version of them like how we can deal with various type of people in our surroundings. We are an adult and a child, regardless of our ages. We are both and both are us.

Or any other version you are: angry bitch, calm guy, annoying bastard, crazy kid, mature man, amazing woman…

After all, what’s the fun in it when you are all work and no play? What’s more is that you are not being the fullest of yourselves? 

Release that beast and enjoy the wildness πŸ˜‰


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