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Random Rant: Am I a CryBaby

 I had cried for more than 3 times, if I'm not wrong, for this single week. It doesn't necessarily mean the big devastating, sky-wrecking cries; it can include the tears dropping or tears swiveling around the eyes.

It's okay ๐Ÿ˜ข 

        This week should be a happy week for me since my birthday fell under this week. But unexpectedly (or, expectedly, for someone that knows me well), I had dropped my tears for multiple times.

Of course, there were reasons behind. It's not like I cried for no reason. 

        I found out that I was quite (or, maybe REALLY) emotional person. If you have seen my emotional side, it does not mean anything. It is just simply that I am easily touched by A LOT of things and incidents.

        People may call me 'oversensitive', 'overreact' or a 'CryBaby'. It may sound like an insult to anyone, but not me. At least, I wouldn't feel shameful to admit. 'Yes, I am really emotional person. I will cry if something hits me hard on the right spot!', my heart and soul screams. 

        You might think that why the fuck I got so many things to cry for. It was because I really put my feet inside people's shoes regardless if it is directly involving my life or not. 

        When it comes to people I know of, even we don't know personally, he or she appears and exists in my life. He/she is there for some reason in my life. I could never deny he/she does not exist at all. 

So, if something bad happen to them, I couldn't help but shed my tears. 

        People said you should live more happily for those that left. For their sake, live happily ever after. But, please, humans are people who have feelings. We would move on, but please let us cry, let us be irrational, just to let it all out. So we wouldn't bottom it up and let ourselves suffer in the future. 

        Conclusion is: please don't let your emotions to bottle up. If not, you are going to get suffocated by your own toxic in your body. The toxic will drown you first before the tears slap you in the face. 

P. S. Who says you are weak if you cry. Ask them to DM me. I'm going to lecture them gao gao. Now is already 21st century lor! 

P. P. S. I won't be this emotional when it comes to work or professional matters. This is just being unreasonable for fuck sake! 


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