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Be considerate 做个通透的人

Jason and Vivienne are couples. One night, they were chatting but somehow the guy had a bad working stressful day, so he treated the girl in a dismissive and passive way. The girl did not aware of it since they were having long distance relationship. They hung up instantly after the argument. The girl had some thoughts that wanted to find a better guy because she felt that she deserved better.
But somehow, something came into her mind. She should be more understanding and considerate. The boy was working and probably had a rough time, but he still managed to squeeze his time to talk with her. She then realized it would be better to communicate and talk it out when both were in cooling heads. The day after, they were opening up the problem and talked in a reasonable and rational manner, that both came into a consensus to be more understanding into each other and tried to stand inside each other’s shoes.
No Adidas?
No Nike??
No Yeezy???
It's okay. Stand inside my shoes, so that we can have the same 'smell'.

This not only applies to relationship, but including friendship, family, comradeship and among colleagues as well. This is a people thing. We live in a huge and vast community that people connect no matter what even in these difficult times. People crave for contact, connection, and please be considerate too. You never truly know the other side of the story until you ask, you listen, you understand and you just be there. Stand inside peoples’ shoes so that at least you guys can think alike and have the same 'smell', which is great like how the animals use smell to identify friends or nemesis. 😉 站在别人的鞋子,这样才可以臭味相投!!!


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