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I love WORKOUT! Perception changes me! All about the IQ

Recently, I have come across an article about how mental exercise is as much important as physical exercise. It can give you an out-of-the-world satisfaction. There are 13 ways briefly mentioned in the article to practice the mental strength that I have found some of them reciprocates the same with me surprisingly: love a good challenge, focus on what is in control, venture out of comfort zone, have true confidence, embrace change, no fear no regret, and crave for feedback and criticism.

      It is always mindset over anything. You believe something and then your subconscious will be more willingly to do that something, instead of carrying that notion without any action.

People surrounding me always perceive me as a very confident person and I have a smarties-ass look on my face. My English can be viewed as quite good by my friends and my family, but people do not realize what I have done behind the ‘success’ of it. Actually, I take a lot of efforts for 10 years, from reading English fiction books, listening English songs, and watching English movies with subtitles on. My daily lives are full of English vocabularies and new grammar learning skills. Even if I am born in a Chinese background family, I would always take my leisure time to indulge myself in the English world.

Everyone has a natural trait or is learned gradually about stuff differently. When you have extra difficulties to learn English, I might face the same thing on learning Mandarin. When people are born to have a smooth and fairer skin, I struggle with my skin condition that I had to work on it while the others don’t. We have different stuff to work on but what we have the same is our perception and our good mindset to place in our brain, so that without putting out the negativity and depressed comments around, work you ass off about it. Fix your weakness!!!



On a side note: People who know me understand that how big love I have towards swimming. When I know I can’t swim no more during the Movement Control Order (MCO) period due to COVID-19, I turn to something which I hate the most: running or workout at home – which involve sweating a lot. I keep rejecting it at first because I hate the sweats and tears literally, which swimming wouldn’t happen. However, in the end, I am able to turn the thing I hate most to the thing I look forward to doing it on a daily basis. I love workout now! My body aches and actually likes it! It’s like the adrenaline rush that gives you the pain and pleasure at the same time. It’s a good pain πŸ˜‰


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