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Feel Good Post

Ever the MCO started, I was staying alone in my room at my university. And I have never felt so much better in my life. feelgood
          Before this whole COVID-19 happened, people have been here and there, hustling, working, playing, messing around with people. There are always endless things to worry about and our mind is always in a hurry to the next big thing before we could finish one stuff. There are way too many distractions we need to settle. Attending classes. Catching up with our friends. Gossiping. Organizing an event. Participating competitions. As for working adults, endless works and overtime tasks keep coming into your way. All these distractions have eventually prevented us to think what we really want for our life.
          This moment, this right second is the best time to reflect if not ever. Who you are, what you are doing, how you are doing, how do you feel, why you are doing this, these are all the questions of life. Have you figured it all out? Search and find back the peace and calmness inside that body. Find back the purpose of your life. Really think hard about it. You might surprise yourself what you truly want after all.
          To be honest, I am so familiar and very aware of every emotion and feeling I have now. It´s like they are unattached from me, becoming another single being that I could soothe and comfort and accompany with ‘them’, instead of getting messed up by them back then. I am friends with my emotions. And I feel great.
Until Next Week! Peace!


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