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not Cool being Fool but acting Cool is Foolish

The most daunting question asked in interview is not these: “What is your strength?”, “What do you think you can contribute to the company?” or “What is your career aspiration?”. To me, the make-my-heart-stop-a-beat question is “Do you have any questions for us (the company)?”.

            My inner thought is like: Wow, now you want me to ask you questions when this is an interview OF me? Most of the time, we think that job interviews are for us to show the best version of ourselves to fit the criteria and requirements of the job sets. No question asked. But little do we realize that this is not a full-on Q&A section for company to know you. It is an interactive conversation between 2 parties who want to get the best out of each other for the better.

            People tend to have this misconception that only people who are fool and stupid ask questions, especially those they persist as the ‘dumb’ questions that have ‘obvious’ answers. There is an unspoken assumption that if you ask questions, it shows that you are incapable and not qualified enough. This is a total big-ass bullshit.

            Surely, it is not cool being a fool, but acting cool is definitely a foolish move. With no questions asked, people tend to have more misunderstandings and miscommunication that lead to destructive relationships and toxic partnerships. With sincere and genuine questions, the asked will think that the askers have thought through the causes and curious enough for the outcomes by expressing their concerns. Sometimes, it’s not the question that matters. It’s how you ask the questions that tell a person and speaks it all.             

            During a job interview, it is the way you speak, the way you carry yourself that matters. Be truly conscious about your body (or facial, in these remote days) movements and make a good use of that. Be truthful about your own skills and capabilities to prove you are worthy for the company. Stay curious at the whole interview about the company that you interview for, like the company culture, their behaviors toward urgent matter and personnel’s crisis responses. These are the things can’t be easily accessed through online, but only with conversing and engaging can do. They can help to tell if the company suits you and vice versa. It’s a double win here.

            I remember there is a famous proverb: He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, shun him; He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child, teach him; He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep, wake him; He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise, follow him.

Just try not to act like a know-it-all

            So, stop trying to act cool and start to ask around like a fool. Be curious about everything. If you want to keep living like a smarty-pant, there would be just living under the small happy bubble that gets you nowhere but emptiness and hollowness. Understand that we are all learning species. Every moment we are spending, the world changes. We can’t fully catch up on them 24/7. That’s why we have to keep questioning about the life, the world and yourself. As for the kindred soul who is looking for job as well, be curious about the company and about yourself too. Who knows you might discover something amazing about yourself when you get some unexpected answers from the interviewers? Break a leg, guys! Wish we all have greater days ahead, with works waiting for us! So anticipating, huh? 😉


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