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Don't let stupid moments kill your kindness

Being a perfectionist Virgo can be difficult in life when you face those dumbheads that always can’t do their jobs right (in my case, assignments and team projects) and all you can do is just to help them to wipe their ass, fixing their problems. How could you deal with that? Nonetheless, the way you approach to help them is very important to let them know that they could be better next time and learn how to view it as a lesson themselves, by doing it nicely instead of blatantly pushing them without boundaries.

          Instead of hitting around the bushes - or cars since greenery rarely seen in urbanized cities anymore, then just boom and crash with light and care ;) Talk directly in a nice and kindly way to them. Let them know how serious or sever the issue is if they do not complete the task by certain time periods. Approach to provide assistance or aids to them even when they do not ask for it. Key note: do it with kindness and gentle way.

          Kindness would not be really hard to apply if you put aside your emotions attached to the problem or that particular person you hold grudge with at the first place. There is some magical theory that people tend to more willingly help strangers beside the streets than the people they know of. Weird, right? That is because subconsciously you would be more aware every step you take to help someone you know because you view high of their perceptions towards you rather than some unknown people. As if that sole action is going to change whatever good perspective they hold onto you to the other way round. Yup, you are like that! Yeah. You. I am looking at you. Or probably me too...

Without kindness brings misery. Win for more sass.

          It is like you are scared if you help too less or too much. Is it enough that I help him/her to buy that cup of coffee? Should I treat him instead? Is it nicer for me to offer my ‘kindness’ to pay for the coffee?

          All of the random and spurious thought will suddenly surface up and try to suffocate you and make yourself to trust less from your good-hearted intention. This might lead to the point that you would rather NOT doing anything to help so that you would not be judged or being talked behind your back.

          This is definitely outrageously wrong and please look around yourself. You are so much better with a roof on top of your head that a lot of millions people in this world will kill to have. So a little kindness is really all you could offer to people around you regardless they treat you fucking poor or they view you as a trash.

          Because, be the bigger person because one day you know you have something up on your sleeve - or pants as well - to let them beg you in turn for your help. Be the better self of yourself. Disconnect the angry/negative/passive emotion from your thoughts and actions. An eye for an eye will not work out and never will be the ultimate solution for fucking anything. It will just be a never-ending vicious cycle. Unless you want to end up being in jail or being a JOKER, then I am not here to judge.

Be Kind to yourself too

          Imagine if you have finished your job after burning midnight oils every night, researching all the resources and data. Boom! It was rejected nonsensically, and you were scolded and insulted and nagged and thrown tantrum by your boss in front of your friends and colleagues.

All of a sudden, your dignity was shattered all around on the floor. Since then, you do not trust yourself on doing your job. Your started to get depressed and got drunk every night, ignoring every task you had on hand and were not anymore that same passionate person who is all-in for your work motto: Live for work; Die for work.

Come on. Stop battering yourself too much. Stop punishing yourself for something you have no control of. Allow yourself to fall for that. Fall into that loophole of mistakes or wrongdoings you have no idea where it comes from. Feel those emotions. Delve into them. And feel.

Don’t let yourself suppress it. Anything bottomed up would just turn out a knife backstabbing which leaves you blood stricken in nowhere with no one cares about.

Then leave yourself with more kindness, compassion, understanding and responsibility.

To you and each other.


  1. Woww, it really does hit me all the way up especially the sample of the life event hmmm🙈 XD, look forward for more

    1. Life is full of surprise ;) Thank you for the continuos support xoxo


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