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Showing posts from January, 2021

Ignorant vs Innocent

Chinese New Year is just around the corner! Though 2021 means a whole different kind of vibe for celebration, it still does not stop me doing one of the most important elements during pre-CNY - g otong-royong (big cleanup at home).           I had spent my last week of January literally just doing that. From wiping the walls, dusting the drawers, dumping broken stuff to recycling old clothing, it was hell lot of work.           In the midst of cleaning up, there was no doubt that we would find out some past memories kept in somewhere around. This was where I found out the beauty of innocent childhoods and my past pure ignorant of this ‘cruel’ world .          IGNORANT vs INNOCENT According to Wikipedia, being “ ignorant ” describes a person in the state of being unaware, who deliberately ignore or disregard important information or facts, whereas, being “ innocent ” describes someone with a lack of guilt, with respect to any kind of crime, or wrongdoing.             It basica

What I learn from the Unpleasant Business in Toilet 🚽

I can't believe going to toilet doing my business will lead me creating this post:          Yesterday at 2pm, I got hangry (hungry + angry) since I hadn’t eaten anything since morning. So I ordered my first meal of that day - Mcd nasi lemak ayam goreng spicy . Frankly speaking, it tastes fantastically delicious. I enjoyed and savored every last bit of that nasi lemak. However, here comes to the burning point .            Recently, my body has transformed from a bad bitch to a good girl. My body couldn’t withstand anything more than moderate-level spiciness compared to my glamorous university time where I killed every eating-spicy-food challenge thrown upon me. I even managed to conquer the Ghost Pepper Instant Noodle without drinking in between. But now, haha.          Since COVID-19, it means one thing: m ore time at home = healthier food . Since mummy in the house, there would be no worries of how much nutrients and vitamins that I need to take as it is well cared of. There

What I learnt from the Ceiling Fan in my room

When we are lost or start to feel hopeless and clueless, we will grab everything we see and hold on to it dearly. We will have this tendency to drive deeper into "the zone" to get us more into the "mood". When we are sad, we listen to sad song. When we are depressed, we watch tear-jerking movies. As if our inside world is not dark enough, we are just so attracted to ruin ourselves more. It drives us deeper to our shit and not wanting to find back the way out to the real world.               This notion hit me especially hard when I drove myself crazy with my mumbled thoughts lately. I was having insomnia the other night. I couldn’t sleep and might I tell you that I am a privileged kid that usually do not have problem of sleeping like a pig. So this was like a new-found field that I found myself so difficult to adjust to. I couldn’t sleep because all the bad shit that I could possibly think of started to squeeze up and consume my brain. The uncertainties and unkno