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Showing posts from December, 2020

How to "Unsay" Promised Words

TLDR: Voice out sincerely about changing mind. This change reflects the truest self now. We can't unsay the things we said, but we can 'undo' it by renewing our statement.  . . Few months back, I talked about how things in life is definitely not a 3-minute instant noodle . Results we want can’t receive in as quick as the food-delivery guy send us the food. When my intention of that post is to ask people to get patient for the long-term result, I slap my own face by just falling into that quick dense of my own paradox.             In the early year of 2020, I have made my new year resolution in a manila card. Instead of the traditional list-down resolution, I have been inspired to create a Vision Board that has pictures to show the real imaginary that I want to achieve. I put this vision board in my bedroom so that I could constantly have it right under my vision, so that I can keep reminding myself about it. So crumbled up like life in 2020 -.-             At the be

not Cool being Fool but acting Cool is Foolish

The most daunting question asked in interview is not these: “What is your strength?”, “What do you think you can contribute to the company?” or “What is your career aspiration?”. To me, the make-my-heart-stop-a-beat question is “Do you have any questions for us (the company)?”.             My inner thought is like: Wow, now you want me to ask you questions when this is an interview OF me? Most of the time, we think that job interviews are for us to show the best version of ourselves to fit the criteria and requirements of the job sets. No question asked. But little do we realize that this is not a full-on Q&A section for company to know you. It is an interactive conversation between 2 parties who want to get the best out of each other for the better.             People tend to have this misconception that only people who are fool and stupid ask questions, especially those they persist as the ‘dumb’ questions that have ‘obvious’ answers. There is an unspoken assumption that if

December: Gratitude & Love

December: that time of the year to reflect yourself. This might sound too overrated but never it is when it comes to gratitude and loving yourself and the people around you.             I still remember back when I was still at school (now, I am almost out of university), December is the most anticipated month because it’s holiday! It means more time to play, do useless stuff just to waste time. Ahhhh, those are good ol' days. Plus, just fooling around in the house with literally nothing -okay, maybe some used papers, blunt pencils, or faded coloring-  is enough to satisfy the mini-Vivian. I still recalled I used to make all those origamis in star-shaped, animals, and weird out-of-the-world patterns.             Around this time of the year, in 2020, with smartphones, tablets and video consoles at hands, those good ol' times just seem to be put away in the memories of museum. Generations nowadays always say they are “busy” and have their hands too full (literally with phone