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Showing posts from September, 2020

Random Rant: Am I a CryBaby

  I had cried for more than 3 times, if I'm not wrong, for this single week. It doesn't necessarily mean the big devastating, sky-wrecking cries; it can include the tears dropping or tears swiveling around the eyes. It's okay ๐Ÿ˜ข            This week should be a happy week for me since my birthday fell under this week. But unexpectedly (or, expectedly, for someone that knows me well), I had dropped my tears for multiple times. Of course, there were reasons behind. It's not like I cried for no reason.            I found out that I was quite (or, maybe REALLY) emotional person. If you have seen my emotional side, it does not mean anything. It is just simply that I am easily touched by A LOT of things and incidents.           People may call me 'oversensitive', 'overreact' or a 'CryBaby'. It may sound like an insult to anyone, but not me. At least, I wouldn't feel shameful to admit. 'Yes, I am really emotional person. I will cry if something

Do you get the right Google?

  I have been following MarkManson ’s articles for quite awhile that his post for every Monday is a downright inspirational wake-up call. Not the normal read-it-and-forget inspiration. It’s the kick-your-ass inspiration. You might think I am exaggerating but he can discuss something as simple as philosophy but comes out to be a remarkable discover that yet to be talked widely about even though the answer is obviously there. On. The. Table.            It lets me think about how people nowadays consume the same information, same news, yet could give out different opinions viewing the same issue.           Let’s talk about the most current nerve-wrecking hot topic – COVID19. Could you imagine seeing how real this pandemic is, there are still people in this world not believing this is a REAL STUFF adversely affecting the entire populations. People are still going out and have fun without thinking the consequences by not practicing physical distancing and wearing protection. No matter