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Showing posts from August, 2020

Not everything is INSTANT Noodle

To me, patience was seriously my kryptonite. I had zero tolerance about waiting anything or anyone. I just had that indescribable rage coming out when someone was late for meetings or hangouts without telling the reason in advance. I was horrible at being patient back then.            But kids taught me otherwise. When I joined a club in university that required me to teach the secondary students about entrepreneurship, it was downright challenging my tolerance level and my patience-drawn-out-line. Kids were horrible in listening instruction. They were so uncontrollable that it drove me crazy and insane.           When I was starting to lose it and decided to turn to my friends for help, I could see how different my friends approached them with care and gentle that I definitely lacked of. The students were able to understand my friends and had great connections with them. That was the point that I knew I got to do something. I was not here for myself but helping them.           A

What's scarier than you do the same thing over and over but you are still doing it

  If you are born and raised from an Asian family, I am sure that 99.8% of you had been forced to attend some sorts of extra classes or advancement courses to “improve” ourselves while we were young (0.02% were probably crying their eyeballs out to get their getaway card). There is a Malay saying: “ Melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya .”, which means that learning in a tender younger age is the best way to cultivate and nourish skills! It’s especially applicable for Asian’s KIASU personality or more specifically Chinese people???           I was definitely not excluded. I was sent to swimming lesson for my mom stating that drowning was very possible in this world covered of around 71% water. Hence, my mom sent every one of us siblings to learn swimming in a very early ages. Other than that, art class and taekwondo class since I was in primary school were attended too.           Truthfully, I am not here to complain  or being ungrateful. I actually enjoyed every moment that I had

Don't let stupid moments kill your kindness

Being a perfectionist Virgo ♍ ︎ can be difficult in life when you face those dumbheads that always can’t do their jobs right (in my case, assignments and team projects) and all you can do is just to help them to wipe their ass, fixing their problems. How could you deal with that? Nonetheless, the way you approach to help them is very important to let them know that they could be better next time and learn how to view it as a lesson themselves, by doing it nicely instead of blatantly pushing them without boundaries .           Instead of hitting around the bushes - or cars since greenery rarely seen in urbanized cities anymore, then just boom and crash with light and care ;)  Talk directly in a nice and kindly way to them. Let them know how serious or sever the issue is if they do not complete the task by certain time periods. Approach to provide assistance or aids to them even when they do not ask for it. Key note: do it with kindness and gentle way.           Kindness would not b