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Showing posts from April, 2020

Feel Good Post

Ever the MCO started, I was staying alone in my room at my university. And I have never felt so much better in my life.  feelgood           Before this whole COVID-19 happened, people have been here and there, hustling, working, playing, messing around with people. There are always endless things to worry about and our mind is always in a hurry to the next big thing before we could finish one stuff. There are way too many distractions we need to settle. Attending classes. Catching up with our friends. Gossiping. Organizing an event. Participating competitions. As for working adults, endless works and overtime tasks keep coming into your way. All these distractions have eventually prevented us to think what we really want for our life.           This moment, this right second is the best time to reflect if not ever. Who you are, what you are doing, how you are doing, how do you feel, why ...

Bro stand up la!

I have been working out lately everyday since my life has bored me during this MCO period. When I started at first, for sure it was hard and difficult to push the limit since it has been awhile that I exercise, not counting my swimming routine back then. Actually, I hate any exercise on land, because I hate sweating! The stickiness of your body and unstoppable sweating flowing out of your body was just irritating for me! If every sweat droplet I discharge can kick one virus out of one´s body, this world will be at peace now and people will be back to working and focus back on our politic drama.           After going through the first few days, I could tell you some crazy things happening to me. Now I LOVE EXERCISE. I know, fucking crazy right. Now my body craves for working out. It craves for letting all those toxins, sweats and tears out of my unhealthy body. If my muscle and bones did not protest for my craziness, I guess, it has be...

Be the Bigger Person

The famous entrepreneur/speaker/author Gary Vaynerchuck once quoted “ Being the bigger person is always right! ” What it means is that you don’t have to be a bitch after someone has been bitching you. You must be thinking “Walao, why not? That person talks bad about me. He/she is not a good person. Why I cannot do the same thing to him/her? An eye for an eye ah!” Hear me out here… Kill them with kindness!!!           That story happened to me. I was having a duty with my lifeguard friend beside the swimming pool, as usual for our routine to safeguard our “swimming playground” for the university students. We were both chatting randomly while still watching over the pool. (hey, still doing our job here) We were having a little conflict when he was complaining all about his groupmates, his lecturers and his ‘busy, hectic’ life. Throughout the conversation that’s only one vibe that keep spreading toward me: NEGATIVITY without context. ...

You don't change,Lives change you

Changes might sound terrifying to you, especially when you are used to being in your own comfort zone. But, change is the only constant in life . I just wanna be the best of me Even though sometimes, we might disagree So that I can be the best for you That's all I wanna do The current worldwide pandemic is the greatest example at this moment, if not the worst. We are forced to make some changes in our daily lifestyles to accustom to the situation we face right now. We are staying at home when we should be out there working or studying. We are staying at home when we should be enjoying the sunset after a long walk with our loved ones. We are staying at home because we need to be “there” to help our frontliners fighting against the virus. Before this whole panic happened, I guess a lot of people were very comfortable in their current states. I do not mean that it was actually a bad thing. Being happy and content about your life is something I wouldn’t ask more for you...