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Showing posts from 2019

Life of Unknown

 On 1/1/2019, As soon as I finished my last paper for my final exam during this semester, I was literally flying coming out from the examination hall. Today I was sleeping at 5am, just to do last minute cramming for this subject. And finally, I am free with everything! I rushed back to my dormitory so that I could help to celebrate my friends' birthdays and we got to play flour around! We were having so much fun and we felt so tiring running around and chasing each other for the 'flour fight'. Eventually, we sat down and had a picnic, eating and chatting around. All my friends are Malay friends mostly came from Kelantan, which gave me difficulty to catch up what they said, or somewhat I just did not care and laugh along when they did. But I was so happy that the birthday babies loved it and we got to share around the love and the surprises. After having a shower, I was definitely planning to hit on the bed for my own hibernation. Suddenly, I remembered that I promised a